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Action (field type)

QuintaDB service allows you to create and add custom actions to your database

In addition to the Zapier integration, which allow to instantly connect your QuintaDB database with 1,500+ apps, we will tell you about a new function - Action (avoid confusion with Conditional actions.)

This feature will help you to perform complex tasks with less time spent. You can update several record's columns or send E-mail and SMS to selected addresses with just one click.

For example, reset the race results by pressing one button:

Let us consider the example. I'll take the "orders" table which contains following columns:  positions, customer's name, phone number, email, order's total and status.

Go to the Form builder and add a new field - Action.

You can find it in the Advanced tab:

The next step, open the Action field editing page. Click on the field or use the context menu and select the Edit item:

On this page you need to choose when and how to display action control and what to perform on click.

You can also enter a message about a successful action:


You can specify the conditions when the control will appear. I will tell you more about this item below.


How to display

Click on the Edit icon next to "How to display" item.

The Design tab will opens. Here you can change:

  • Text alignment (horizontally and vertically);
  • Control type (link or button);
  • Button size and color;
  • Filling (the button will be on line or fill the entire cell);
  • Select an icon;
  • Icon position (left or right);
  • Get action name from the column (the column must be selected from the list).

Thus, you can create a button (link) with a unique design.


What to do

Click on the plus icon under the “What to do” item. You will be taken to the Add new task page:

Currently there are three types of tasks available: Update Record, Send Email, Send SMS.

Let's start with Record Update. The idea is to change an order status processing  on the button.

To do this, select the Status column and specify the value that will be set:

Using the plus icon, you can add more columns. Thus, you can update several values ​​at once.

Open the Records menu:

Click on the "Change Status" button and the order status will be changed:

Now I will add one more control, which will appear only under certain conditions.

First, I need to add a new task, as I did before.  The order status will be changed to “Delivery”.

Open the Action field editing page and click the Add display rule link:

Create  the following rule:

When Status - Processed - Update record with new values: Status = Delivery


You can use several tasks at once. Open the Tasks tab to create new or edit existing ones:

If everything is done correctly, new control will appear in the table near those records which have "Processed" order status:

We can do the same with the first action. For example, I'll set the display rule only if the order status is "New":

Send E-mail or SMS

Let's consider other tasks types.

Add a new task in the Orders table:

The idea is to send a letter to customer, after placing the order. You have the opportunity to choose a newsletter template or manually entered template:

  • Enter the recipient addresses or select the field that contains the e-mail address;
  • Customize the letter template;
  • Specify the sender address and e-mail address for the response.

Similarly, you can configure the Send SMS task:

As a result, the following control appears in the table:

Read also: How to collect online payments in your application.