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Exciting new features in Formula Field

You can set number of characters to be shown in your online database Formula column

QuintaDB is happy to announce a more user friendly Formula Field. The previous set up of Formula Field was rather limiting in its usage.

Formula field is a wonderful feature, but it had limits. Right alignment only made using this field for text difficult. When using it for text it would also truncate at 45 characters.

This made things difficult for the user as in some instances it would lead to misleading information, incomplete links, and sometimes make it more difficult for the form to be laid out correctly.

Now in the "Options" menu under the field you can select "Options" to bring up an entirely new set of choices. These allow you to change the truncation value for more characters, thus making this feature a great addition to Formula Field.

*NOTE* The default truncation is 50 characters. So if you do not set the truncation value it has a limit.


Formula Field Options

The new Text align feature now allows you to line your text to the left, rigth or horizontally if you choose! Thus making your projects easier to work with and more stylish!


We hope you enjoy these new changes!