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Folders for reports, user exports and more

System update

Please familiarize yourself with the new features in QuintaDB:

Folders for reports
Export users
Phone field
Location field

Folders for reports

You can now create folders on the Reports page. You can click on "move to folder" in the context menu of each report.
After that, you can choose which folder to place the report in, or create a new folder.
Move to the folder

Also, in the menu on the left, you can find the "Folder management" link, in which you can create and edit report folders.

Manage folders

As a result, you will be able to group your reports by folders:
Reports in folders

Export users

On the "User Groups" page of the portal, it is possible to export all users of the portal.

User groups

In the exported Excel file, you will receive all available information about portal users.

exported users

Export is also available for each individual group, on the group page.

User group

Phone field

If the form has a field with the type "Phone", then when entering or editing data, it is possible to click on a new icon to make a call.

Call icon

In the table, all phones are now also in the form of a link, so that you can call by clicking on the number.

 call in table

Location field

In the settings of the "Location" field, it is possible to set a link to an address, you can enter your own link name and specify how to open it.

Location link settings