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Field rules. How to make your form dynamic

Field rules in online database. Build complex conditional logic for your web-forms with easy-to-use UI

Conditional logic or Field rules allow you to show or hide a field based on what users select for another field on a form.

For example, you might have a field asking users "Are you married?" And if a user selects "yes", you might want to ask a user's wife name.

How to create dynamic web form online

The field rules are very easy to understand in QuintaDB. Our Rule Builder was designed to make adding and understanding the logic you want to apply to your forms, as easy as creating sentences. 

We have a customer's support form for example:

First field is a "Name" and the second one is dropdown "Request types":

Also, we have a "Describe your request" field, in case the customer doesn't find the right option.

1. Go to the Rules tab in Form Builder.

2. Click on Create a Field Rule.

3. Create the following rule:
If the "Request type" field is Another then show "Describe your request" field.

4. Press Create button.

As the result we've got a dynamic form:

Conditional logic is great for surveys or feedback forms. For example, you can ask your customers how satisfied they are with your service, and you can follow-up with questions relevant to their selection.

Set value

You can set the value for the selected field when another field has specific value.

Example: If the "Product" field is Oranges then set value 09-20-2019 to "Shipment Date" field.

Using Conditional logic on order forms is perfect for displaying additional questions based on what a user has selected to purchase. For example, if a user chooses to purchase a computer then you can ask what CPU and Memory they would like to order. Similarly, if a user chooses between different kinds of TVs, you may want your dynamic web form to prompt the user to purchase stereo systems also.


A Complex web form always looks big and difficult for a user to fill in. With long forms you can hide form sections until the user has completed other sections, preventing a scrolling on a form.

Using the "+" icon (plus), you can add several conditions to the rule:

You can use conditional logic on registrations forms in many ways. For example, you can create a form with contact information, you can then have a "More details" section, which can be activated using Drop Down 'Add more details' value 'Yes'. If the user chooses 'Yes' you can show more details (post address etc.).

Field Rules

Field Rules let you perform three actions if a condition is true. You can show or hide a field on a form from the user or set the value to another field. You can also show/hide section headings and file upload fields, which is useful for showing detailed instructions of how to fill out your form or selectively asking for files from your users.

What you need to start using the Rules

To start using the Field Rules, you will need to have at least two fields. You need JavaScript enabled in your browser.

The field rules contain two parts: a condition and an action.

The show action lets you display fields on a form. The field will be hidden when you open the form and will stay hidden as long as the Show rule condition. Once the rule become true the field will be dynamically displayed on the form. This way you have a real dynamic web form built online!


The hide action lets you selectively hide fields on a form. When the form is displayed the field will be shown. As your user fills out your form and the Hide rule condition is met the field will be dynamically hidden. When a field is hidden any rules that are used for that field will be reevaluated. Any conditions tied to the newly hidden field will always evaluate to be false.

If a required field is hidden users will no longer be required to fill out that field to submit your form. Hide actions work across pages so they can hide a field on the next or next pages of a form.


The Rule Builder allows you to create dynamic forms that will follow logic that you’ve specified to perform certain actions like showing and hiding fields, skipping certain pages or emailing to specific individuals based on the selections the user makes while filling out your QuintaDB forms.


Every rule in QuintaDB is composed of two components: condition and action. The Condition allows you to specify the field you need to base your rule off and how you want us to evaluate that field. The Action tells us what you want QuintaDB to do if the Condition is true.


Conditions in QuintaDB are made up of three parts: the Subject, the Value and the Comparison

  • The Subject is the field you want the rule to be based off of. It cannot be a File Field, Section heading or Description.
  • The Value is the choice the user must do or enter to make the Condition true.
  • The Comparison tells us how you want to use the Subject’s value to make the condition true.

Here is a list of different comparisons available for each field type:

  • Numbers: is equal to, is greater than, is less than
  • Date and Date & time: is on or is at, is before than, is after than
  • Other controls like a single text line: is, is not, contains, does not contain, begins with, ends with, is empty, not empty, like
Update 21 May 2024:
Great news for all QuintaDB users!
A feature that has been requested for a long time has appeared - the ability to show, hide and set values for several fields at the same time! Just create conditions when the rule for a field will be triggered and add any number of necessary actions with other fields.