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QuintaDB + Make Integration

QuintaDB and Make Integration Instruction

In this article, we will look at an example of how to set up notifications for a Telegram channel from Google Calendar, using the QuintaDB and Make integration.

1. Go to the "For developers" page:

Create an API key:

2. Create an application with a Form to create an event Table. See example:

3. Create a new Telegram channel for the bot.

4. Create the Telegram bot through the official channel for creating bots: @BotFather and save the bot's token.

5. Add the created bot to your new channel with "send message" access rights.

 6. Find the @get_id_bot channel in the Telegram to get the Chat ID and save it.

It will be enough to forward any message from your channel to get the Chat ID.

7. Go to Make service and create new scenario. You can access the QuintaDB application by this link.
8. Create the first node of script by setting up a webhook with QuintaDB to get “Watch records” records action. Enter your API key and select the domain (quintadb.com):
9. Add your Google Calendar. To connect to the calendar, you need to log in to your Google account.
10. Set up the required fields: Event name, Event start and end dates, and event reminders (for example, a pop-up notification one hour before the start).

Don't forget to set the end date for the event. You can use Integromat functions to add a time to your date:

11. Add a Telegram bot. Enter your bot's token (see para 4. above) into the connection settings and the Chat ID received from the @get_id_bot (see para 6. above):

12. The script is ready. Turn on to test it. Press on the "Run once" to launch your script:
 13. Add a new record on the QuintaDB service:

14. Check your Google calendar and Telegram channel:

Done! Now you can run the script and receive notifications via the bot in your telegram channel and add new events to the Google calendar.