Conditional Formatting enables you to highlight text in Tables and Reports. You can customize the text, based on a defined criteria.
Conditional formatting is a great tool to highlight data in the table.
It will make much easier to navigate and analyze data, detect critical issues or mark completed task.
Lets say, we have a table named "Tasks" with "Name", "Date" and "Status" fields.
In this table, if a person gets task "A" completed, the "Status" field can be displayed in a green background. If a person still not completed task "B", the "Status" field can be displayed in a red background.
To configure Conditional Formatting,
1. Select Formatting tab in the Records menu.
2. Click on Create Formatting rule
3. Specify a criteria by selecting values from the search form. The rule gets executed based on this criteria. For example, Status(field) is equal to "New". A criteria can be defined only when "Selected Records" option is selected. To use several criteria at once, click on the 'Add additional search criteria' link.
4. Click on the Columns section to add fields. You can customize the look of the fields selected here. For example, select Status field. If the above criteria is met, the Status field will be displayed according to its customized format.
5. Next, click on the various formatting options to customize fields' looks based on your preference. Here you can choose how the selected fields will be displayed, like, Bold, Italic, Underlined, colored etc. To select the text or background colour, drag the circle into your preferred choice of colour. For example, select the background attribute and drag the circle to green color.
6. Finally, specify the rule name and click on Create button to save the changes.
In a same way you can create as many rules as you need.