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Chart Builder. Create and integrate charts based on your online database in QuintaDB

Generate report in graphical way is a common task, when you have data in your database. Using QuintaDB you can build nice charts and even embed them to your page or blog


You can create and integrate charts based on your online database in QuintaDB.

You can Print your chart and Download the chart as a PNG, JPEG image or a PDF document, even as a SVG vector image.

In this blog post we'll explain how to create a chart and you'll be able to generate the same chart in a few minutes easily!

Below you can see an example:

Open a table with data

Go to the "Charts" module using the leftside menu and create a new chart.

Choose the chart type.  Available chart types:

  • Lines
  • Sparklines
  • Horizontal bar
  • Vertical bar
  • Scatter plot chart
  • Pie chart

You can change the chart type at any time.

Select the Data source. Select a table and a column with data.

Specify the name and color.

Press on the "Save" button. Please note that you can add multiple data sources to one chart.

Set up the Y-axis. You can specify a name or leave it blank. Indicate the minimum and maximum value along the axis.

Press on the "Update" button.

Set up the X-axis. The X-axis can be:

  • Default range (from 0 to 100)
  • Auto range (from min to max)
  • Autoincrement
  • List of values
  • Field (dropdown, radio, checkbox)
  • Database

If you choose a "Database", you need to select a table, column and sorting type: ascending and descending, or by the selected column.

Press on the "Update" button.


- You can show or hide legend and choose legend position.

- You can prefix and suffix for values (currency or percentages as an example).

- You can set a separator between the fractional and integer digits and thousands delimiter.

- You can set precision of the number and set rounding.


Another settings:

- Stacked (for Vertical and Horizontal bar with more then one data source) used to show comparisons between data, but with ability to break down and compare parts of a whole.

- Donut chart (for Pie chart) used to show the proportions of categorical data, with the size of each piece representing the proportion of each category.

- Points used to show or hide points.

- Friendly byte sizes used to show size.

- Curve (for Lines and Sparklines) turns a line into a curve.

- Download adds a download icon to the chart.

- Discrete (for Vertical and Horizontal bar with more then one data source) used to disable columns sorting in ascending order.

Show insignificant zeros used to hide insignificant zeros, useful for currency.

- Show name used to show or hide chart's name.

Also, you can show or hide: X and Yticks, grid lines and borders. And reverse the X and Y ticks.

Set chart sizes: Widht and Height.

You can also activate Maintain aspect ratio and Responsive (by default) options.

Enter a message to show when data is empty.

Set a border width and padding.

Read how to add a search form to the chart by this link.

To embed your chart into the website just copy/paste an iframe or JavaScript code from Integration tab. 

Integration tab