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September Update. New field types: Signature and Time. QR and Barcode Scanner and more

The first autumn update on QuintaDB service

- The field rules: we've added the ability to assign a value to the field depending on the entered data.

- New field type: Signature.

Using this field type, users can draw a signature and save it as an image in the database

- New field type: Time.

Use this field to let the users enter a time (hours, minutes, seconds).

- Scanning and generating QR codes and Barcodes.

Your users will be able to enter data using the camera and save the generated code as an image in the database.

- Now you have the ability to display Formula and Linked column field on the form.

You will be able to see the field on the form, which will count in real time, depending on the specified values if this option is activated.

- The CONSTANT field (Formula) supports percentages now.

- Also, now you can treat operands as days or hours in the Formula.

- New options for numeric field types (Number, Decimal and Formulas with numeric operands):

  • Thousands delimiter.
  • Separator between the fractional and integer digits.
  • Precision of the number (how many characters after coma).
  • Format a number as a percentage string.

- New option for the "File" field: "Show icon in table instead of file name".

This can be useful when files names are too long.

- New feature for the Charts module: "Tightly packed columns".

- Some bugs and errors was fixed.

We'll introduce new functionality soon. That will take working with forms to a whole new level. It's about Subforms.

Stay tuned for more news!